I am a full-stack web developer with expertise in the following technologies:
- C#: A full-featured, high-performance server-side programming language.
- JavaScript: A powerful language tha adds a wide array of capabilities & interactivity to web sites. I've been writing JavaScript way back now... since the language was first introduced by Netscape in 1995.
- PWAs, shorthand for Progressive Web Application. These apps are delivered through the web and built using standard web technologies. Unlike native apps, PWAs are a write-once run-everywhere solution. A single PWA works equally well on any platform whether if be iOS/Android on mobile, or Mac/Windows on the desktop.
- AJAX, a modern web development technique for creating responsive & interactive web applications.
- XML: The eXtensible Markup Language is a modern industry standard data-base language used for representing structured data on the Internet.
- JSON or Java Script Object Notation is an open standard file format and data interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data between web applications & servers.
- Security & Encryption: I have years of experience writing secure software using the advanced-encryption-standard and end-to-end encryption. This has never been so important, web apps are not only available to legitimate users 24/7, they are also available to malicious users every hour of every day.
New It is rare that I get the chance to show my work, because most of my jobs are password protected web apps, but this Instant-Reservations App is an exception. It allows customers to select their arrival and departure dates to instantly book a property. I developed the backend software using C# running on the new .NET Core platform with JSON and XML encoded data. I programmed the frontend user-interface in JavaScript.
I also recently completed the new Mana Kauai site. I wrote all the front & back-end software including the staff-only apps used to manage the reservation calendars & property photos.